
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Another Paris Pooch - Pugsley

Pugsley, A Paris Pooch
Watercolor Sketch with white pigment ink by Laure Ferlita
© 2009 All Rights Reserved

Just had to share from Paris*! This new fellow is a friend of the first Paris pooch I painted on my imaginary trip to Paris. You can see him here. Isn't he a dapper young man?! And a lot of fun to paint as well. As you probably know by now I love most animals and capturing their essence, their spirits is what I'm after when I paint a portrait like this!

I've read that there are 300,000 dogs in Paris! In fact there are suppose to be more dogs than children!?! Amazing, yes? Especially when you consider that the most visited place in Paris is……no, it's not the Eiffel Tower, or Notre Dame, or the Louvre……it's Disneyland Paris!!

Once again, a well-mannered pup who sat very still whilst being painted in the hopes of a treat! Good puppy!!

*This sketch was created during  An Imaginary Trip to Paris that started September 21st. It is a sketching and painting holiday! (I'm not really in Paris, darn it!) More information is available by click the logo link in the righthand column!


  1. Love it! You'vre caught that Boston Terrier expression. I had one as a girl - great dogs!

  2. Oh what a Paris Pooch of cuteness!! So adorable.

  3. Love this sweet looking fellow. Lots of poop on Paris sidewalks too. UGH...

  4. I thought this was a photograph when I saw the thumbnail, Laure. Excellent--you captured this cutie so well!

  5. Doing a little catching up. Just read the posts I've missed... and I LOVE the pumpkin! Fall is simply a wonderful time of the year... such rich colors, the deepest blue skies, yummy food with enticing scents... and cool weather. A perfect season!

  6. That is the cutest face, what a ;lovely capture! Yes, Paris and its dogs or sometimes it is rather Pars's doges and their owners..!

  7. Thanks, all, he was so fun to do! I think when you have fun with something it just naturally shows!

    Teresa - thanks - couldn't agree more about the season - perfect!!

    Ronelle, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!


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