WIP #2: Pink-Petticoats Peony
Watercolor painting by Laure Ferlita
Isn't she pretty?!! This beautiful peony reminds me so much of wearing petticoats when I was a child. They were usually white and sometimes had a touch of pink trim, and boy, oh, boy, did I think I was something! Of course, those kinds of petticoats were usually reserved for special occasions so they retained their frivolity. Then, after I turned 5 or 6, you couldn't get me to wear a petticoat, skirt, or a dress to save your life. Most especially if it was pink - yuck!! (I had two older brothers to keep up with!)
I am painting this flower on Sennelier hot press watercolor paper. This particular paper damages easily from tape or masking fluid so I've opted to paint around the flower's yellow center rather than run the risk of tearing the paper. As you can see, I still have a good deal of work to do, including the background. Oh, yes, with regard to backgrounds - that series will be continued tomorrow. Himself and I received an unexpected dinner invitation for this evening and will be going out! That didn't leave me with enough time to do the whole post, so it will be up tomorrow.
It's looking wonderful. I'll look forward to seeing what you do next! Have fun at dinner.