
Thursday, July 16, 2009

An Inexpensive Marketing Idea!

Sometimes thinking outside of the box, or in this case, the closet, can be a very good thing! I want to share an inexpensive marketing idea that my husband, Chris, came up with - I have an opportunity to display my work at a local business, The Compounding Shop of Riverview, but space is a bit limited. They have one of my paintings on display, but I wanted to make more of an impact than just the one painting.

Chris and I had kicked around various ideas and nothing really seemed to fit the bill - too complicated to manage, too fussy, and then not too long ago we cleaned out our foyer closet as we were installing new flooring. Chris came across some frames I had purchased to create a family photo display but never got around to doing.

Chris called me over, and said "What about using these to display your paintings? You can include your website and contact info, it's a nice, clean look, a bit understated so that the work shows well, and we can put your business cards near by?!!" I thought it was a fabulous idea! Yippee skippee!! Problem solved!

I purchased the frames from Bed, Bath and Beyond with their 50% off coupons and I created the images to fit the 4" x 6" (10.16 cm x 15.24 cm) image area, printed them out on 8.5" x 11" (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm) paper and then cut them to size. It would be easy to duplicate this idea even if you doesn't have a color printer by taking any images to a photo kiosk at the mall or drugstore and have 4" x 6" photos made. Then print out any contact info on a black and white printer. Kinko's or another copy shop may also be able to help with color copies, etc.

This idea is very handy if the work you're is creating mostly commissions and you don't keep the paintings for very long, if you are just starting out and do not have a lot of paintings to display, you want to display your work at several locations all at once or if the work is selling faster than you can create it! This may also be a good way to approach a business about displaying your work as the overall size of the display is 11"x 23" and can be hung vertically or horizontally. Without a big space requirement, more businesses are likely to play with you!


  1. Love your idea! Let us know how it works out! I have an award for you at my blog!

  2. what a great idea. and there's an award for you on my blog today.

  3. Great idea you guys had. I have seen (and used) these frames and it is certainly perfect for your needs.

    Let us know how it all works out.

  4. Don't you just love it when Cris thinks like that??

  5. I love that idea and your images look great in that layout. I'm sure plenty of places would be happy to hang such a display, more so than an original painting. Safer for your paintings too!

  6. Thanks, everyone, for your comments!

    Thanks to Lori at Twin Cedar and Soulbrush for the blog awards! I'll be right over.

    Thanks for commenting Caroline, and you're right, hadn't thought about the safety issue!

  7. What a fantastic idea! You are so lucky to have such a creative and thoughtful husband.I'm sure this will work out great!

  8. Looks great, Laure--good idea! I hope you have lots of visibility with it-I'll bet you do!

  9. This is a very clever idea, and it makes for a very attractive display with clean lines. It certainly shows off your artwork. What a happy thing for you to find!

  10. Wow, your husband comes up with some GREAT IDEAS! Yes, I know his ego will get out of control with all of us saying it, but you are one lucky lady to have such a supportive and creative husband!

  11. Great idea,I use these frames for my aceo crads,but having your print framed is a very good idea too.Your art looks great.

  12. Thanks everyone!

    You know, Krista, you're going to make Chris' head so big he want fit through the door! (You're right, I am VERY lucky, but don't tell him I said so!)

    Thanks for stopping by Tohida! ACEOs would look wonderful in those frames - another great idea!


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