
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

A Little Bit of Progress

Finally, I have a small bit of progress to show! Below is a photo of the first piece of Word Art that I have added to my Etsy shop:

glass tile pendant word bloom laure ferlita watercolor artwork
Glass Tile Pendant featuring my artwork and the word "Bloom"
You can see it here

It is amazing to me how much I learn each and every time I undertake a new adventure. Like what, you ask? Like how to make these pendants; how to photograph small objects without harsh shadows; how to list items in Etsy and on my blog so that all of the "spiders" in the world can find them and hopefully direct folks to the listing. It has been a challenge. At times fun, at other times, hmm, think I'll just leave it at challenging!

I shared on my other blog about choosing a "word-of-the-year" and that this year I have chosen two words: intent and bold. For intent, I want to remind myself to have an intent for the day, the project, the conversation, rather than being on autopilot and going through the motions. For bold, this word is to remind me to go boldly in the directions of my dreams, to be daring, to takes risks, as a lot of what I intend to do this year will take every bit of boldness I can summon!

I choose a word-of-the-year in place of making New Year's resolutions because resolutions just never seemed to work for me and most folks that I know. If you would like to know more about choosing a word, please visit Christine Kane's blog here. She is a delightful person with a lot of insight into being creative and showing up every day of your life!

I have a lot more words to add, but as usual, it takes me much longer than I think it should to get anything done. Take a look and see if choosing a word might be right for you. If you have a word and a piece of art in mind, send me an email and let's see what we can come up with!



  2. Looking good! Good luck with your Etsy shop!

  3. Hello Laure,
    Thanks so much for the comment you left on my little painting on my flickr page. I have just thoroughly enjoyed spending the last half-hour reading your blog. I feel a real kinship with you in this journey. Reading your words and looking at your work really inspires me to keep trying. Thanks so much for sharing the not-so-wonderful along with your gorgeous work. I love your etsy shop---I'm thinking of my word and I'll let you know ; ). I did choose a word this year for each of my children. My daughter (who turns 21 on the 21st!) is "beloved." I've had so much fun sending her special reminders of this (we are in Belgium, she is in Louisiana).
    Well, enough rambling! I'll be back soon--can't wait to see what you do next ; ).


Let's talk!