
An Impromptu (Sketching) Visit To Tampa - An Online Opportunity!

A year ago, before the pandemic became real, I was invited by the Tampa Regional Artists to do both a demo and a workshop for artists in their group as well as anyone visiting the Tampa area. Along came a virus and this all went up in a puff of disbelief. Fast forward a year, and we are moving forward with both the demo and...

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Discovering Forgotten Artwork

 As I've mentioned on social media and in prior posts, I've been in the throes of trying to convert my "storage unit" back into a studio. It has been interesting, challenging, annoying, and an adventure!Part of what makes this situation so interesting is finding all the cool things I've bought over the years...you know what I mean, all those have-to-have-it-right-now-art-supplies because you took...

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Bethlehem Star Card Template

 I've been creating a series of December/Holiday tutorial videos over on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube! The tutorial posted for December 21, 2020, the Bethlehem Star Card, needed a template to simplify the project. The file below if free for your personal use. It will easily fit on the front of a 5x7 inch card. Please right-click on the image to download it. Please click...

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The Dangers Of Organizing The Studio

I suppose it was only a matter of time before I became infected with the organizing bug as so many others around me have been. I mostly "blame" two close friends for my infection as they often regaled me of their efforts and eventual triumph over the clutter and disorganization of their homes. And let's be real—my studio has become more storage unit than...

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In Search Of A New Normal

It seems that life as we knew it has become yet another casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic and while I’m not entirely sure that’s a bad thing, it’s definitely disconcerting and wearying. I’ve heard myself say and think the words, “I’m over this” so many times I’ve lost count. Lying in bed last night, I realized I needed to start searching for a...

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The Color, Green: Fun or Frustrating?!

Whenever I get into a discussion about color, the perennial favorite pigment to dislike, or downright hate, is almost always green! It's a mean one, that green (and no, I do not think it's an accident that the Grinch is green!)... Or is it? Yes, green can be challenging, it can quickly "kill" a painting if we use the wrong green or a...

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artistic growth

Classes and Workshops, Oh My!

From my very first online class, An Imaginary Trip To Paris in 2009! Is it as hard for you as it is for me to realize that 1999 was twenty years ago?! We were all so worried about Y2K and what was going to happen to our computers. Where did those years go? For me, I see a dividing line in my decades...before...

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Hints of Autumn (And I Mean Hard-To-Find Hints!)

It is entirely possible that I jumped the gun looking for Autumn in August, but when you live in the land of perpetual summer you tend to look for anything that suggests the temperatures (or humidity) are going to drop sometime before January! The colorful specimen above was waiting patiently on our driveway as I walked to the mailbox back in August. Yes,...

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An Imaginary Trip To Jekyll Island Online Class - Registration Is Now Open!

Octobers always seem so busy and often filled with great plans that interfere with all the wonderful things we'd like to do! If that statement describes you and why you are not able to join me for a week-long workshop on Jekyll Island this October, worry not! Announcing "An Imaginary Trip To Jekyll Island Online Class!" Registration is now open! Imagine wading in...

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